We always strive for accuracy in processing orders, but occasional errors can happen. If you’re dissatisfied with your order, you can return unopened products to us provided they’re in their original, unopened condition and securely returned.

We accept returns of packaged, sealed items within 14 working days of purchase for a full refund or exchange, except for Fragrance Oils in clear or crystal bottles. Please note, we do not offer refunds on promotional, reduced, or discounted items unless the product is damaged. In such cases, we require visual proof of damage before proceeding with a refund or replacement.

To initiate a return, refund, or replacement, please contact our Customer Care Team via email at [email protected]. Kindly provide your Name, Email Address, Order Number, Reason for return, and specify whether you’re seeking a refund, exchange, or replacement.

Please dispatch your items to:

Upon receiving your returned items, we process returns, exchanges, or replacements promptly. For your assurance, we recommend obtaining a proof of postage receipt when sending items back to us. Please note, we do not cover the cost of return postage.

Refunds for items returned to customer services or in-store will be issued using the original payment method. The refund amount will match the price paid when the order was placed.